Share in the Joy Christmas Eve at The Presbyterian Church in Morristown


“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Luke 2:102012XmasEve7oclock_119

Please join us on Christmas Eve for any of our three services at The Presbyterian Church in Morristown, 57 East Park Place, to share in the joy and hope of Christ’s birth.

2012XmasEve4oclock_084At 4 p.m. there will be a family friendly service with our children’s choirs leading an informal, interactive candlelight service presenting the Christmas Story for children and the young at heart.  Our sanctuary is transformed into a small manger in Bethlehem complete with shepherds, animals and angels.  This service is directed by Julie Ramseyer and Alexandra Mead.

At 7 p.m. the Reverend Dr. David Smazik leads a candlelight service of Nine Lessons and Carols with readings that present the Christmas story from Genesis through Luke.  Carols, choral and instrumental music are provided by the Ringers-on-the-Green, Chancel Choir, Cantate Omnes, Cantus, brass quartet and organ under the direction of Matt Webb.  Pre-service music is provided by the ROGS and organist Ryan Kennedy.

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Our 11 p.m. service follows the same format as the 7 p.m. service with two added features.  The former Ringers-on-the-Green (FROGS) join the ROGS for the prelude, and the service closes at midnight with the traditional ringing in of Christmas Day by the ROGS.

On Christmas day at 11 a.m. we will hold a Communion service led by Reverend Dr. David Lawrence in our Chapel with musical direction by Matt Webb.

Sunday, December 29, we will hold one service of worship at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary led by Reverend Dr. David Lawrence.