Morris County I.D. cards available in Morristown for veterans and seniors, Jan. 10



Veterans and seniors can get Morris County I.D. cards in Morristown on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025.

The Morris County Clerk’s Office will be at the Morristown Seniors Center from 10 am to 2 pm.

The cards will cost $5 apiece, cash only.

A county ID is not the same as a REAL ID. But it can be used as an ID, much like a driver’s license, and can help veterans and senior obtain discounts at various organizations, according to Morristown’s recreation department.

Call Cathy at 973-796-1803 for a list of required documents to secure the card.

The seniors center is on the third floor of Morristown town hall at 200 South St.


  1. Morris County wants to CHARGE its Veterans five dollars for a Vets ID card?
    Shameful! Haven’t they already paid enough?