From the Township of Morris:
Attention Landlords!
New Jersey P.L. 2021, Chapter 182 requires all rental dwellings to be inspected for lead hazards.
The Township of Morris recently passed an ordinance to comply with this law. This law applies to all rentals that were built before 1978, whether single family or multi-family.
The Township of Morris is required to do a visual inspection of painted surfaces every three years, or upon tenant turnover. If hazards are found the owner must remediate through abatement or interim control measures. The law also allows for an owner to hire a certified lead evaluator contractor or have the Township of Morris conduct the inspection.
How do I schedule an inspection with the health department?
Please call 973-326-7390 and ask to speak to an inspector to schedule a lead inspection
What are the fees?
- $150 inspection cost per unit.
- $25 certificate filing fee
- $20 fee to the state of NJ to fund the “Lead Hazard Control Assistance Act”
Will there be money owed to the Township if I use my own contractor?
Yes, the filing fee and the state fee are still required if you are using your own contractor.
What does an inspection consist of?
A Township inspector will come into your unit and look for cracked and peeling paint. If all paint is intact, a lead safe certificate will be issued for your unit. This certificate will be good for three years or if there is tenant turnover.
If the inspector finds hazards, the owner will be required to abate the hazard or use interim controls to correct it. A re-inspection will be performed and a certificate will be issued once the re-inspection is complete.
Will I be able to obtain a COH if I don’t get a lead inspection?
No, the building department will not issue a COH unless a lead inspection has been completed
Who is exempt from the law?
- Dwellings that have been certified to be free of lead-based paint either after an abatement is completed or an evaluation has confirmed there is no lead-based paint in the dwelling
- Dwellings constructed during or after 1978
- Multiple dwellings that have been registered with the DCA as a multiple dwelling for at least 10 years, either under current or previous owner, and has no outstanding lead violations from the most recent cyclical inspections
- Seasonal rental dwellings which are rented for less than 6 months