Morristown area dog owners group to meet on July 24

mardog poster


The Morristown Area Responsible Dog Owners’ Group (MARDOG) will be meeting Monday, July 24, 2017, to discuss the Lewis Morris County Dog Park and other business as well as an important animal welfare issue impacting the Morristown Area community.

The meeting will be held at the Morristown & Township Library (Miller Road & South Street, Morristown) in the Public Meeting Room, at 6 pm, and Barb Reichman, New Jersey director of the National Animal Interest Alliance, speaks at 7 pm.

 All are welcome. Light refreshments will be available.
Mardog also would like to warn everyone to please be safe and responsible out there. Some dogs, such as our short-nose furry friends, cannot tolerate the heat.

When walking your dog or exercising your dog at the dog park, bring plenty of cold water and consider walking at early morning hours or late afternoon hours.

Sidewalks and pavement can be extremely hot during the mid-day in this heat and the hard surfaces can burn a dog’s paw pads. Please be safe and responsible out there.

mardog meeting flyer