Podcast: ‘Good Vibrations’ and Shakti Sunfire step out of fear


gvk-final-01Whether you know her as Laura Blakeman or Shakti Sunfire, her message is the same~you need tools at the ready to deal with fear. On Laura’s incredible website ~ The Rhythm Way ~ you will find yourself exploring practical tools to help you on your path to freedom.

grab some tools with the podcast

One of Laura’s tools is to connect with nature. I completely identified with her profound statement~

“As soon as I go out into Nature…I remember who I am. I remember that I belong to something much larger than this…”

The key concept for me is something larger than the issue that is bringing up the fear. Now look, I’m not talking about the kind of fear that one experiences during some kind of violence. I’m talking about old fears that have a grip on you and keep you from raising your human experience from the age-old fight-or- flight syndrome.

I can boil down my fears to very specific events in my life that were emotionally and physically traumatic. I received very clear negative messages from this time period in my life. Because of the young age that I experienced this, the groove that the messages created is deep and repetitive.

So, when those fears come up, I must be aware and awake enough to use the tools that I have learned over the years to reroute my thinking. To change my perspective on the issue at hand. Sigh. And for me, it’s all about my thinking. Sometimes, I simply be~lie~ve the lies that I picked up in my teen years. Then I end up spiraling down into the abyss of depression. And that happens because I forget that I have a choice on what to believe.

And I forget that choice because I forget that there is a power greater than myself at work in my life. For me, having a deep spiritual practice brings me peace during the storms of human~ness. AND, sitting on the Earth, with her amazing creatures and creations all around me brings me back into remembering that I am a spiritual being having a human experience faster than any mantra I have ever chanted! xoK


Kristin Ace
Kristin Ace

Kristin Ace of Morristown is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit www.kristinace.com