Podcast: ‘Good Vibrations’ and Sunny Dawn Johnston get intuitive

Kristin Ace
Kristin Ace

gvk-final-01Sunny Dawn Johnston knows intuition! She regularly converses with Angels and is quite comfortable with spirit communications. She is practiced in this awareness. But, what about everyone else in the world? Do you think this kind of practice is available to you? Trust me, it is! All you need to do is open up.

Let’s start with the definition

the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning

tap into your intuition with this podcast

But how does that actually work in your everyday life? With signs. A song, a license plate, an animal showing up…the list is endless in regard to how our spirit guides reach out. The communication will be specific to you and how you relate to your world.

I was recently selected to tell a story for a New Jersey storytelling event. I always reach out to my Dad in the spirit world and ask him to sit in when I perform. I love his support in that way because he never got to see me tell my stories live.

My stories are about healing the heart, healing the past and transmuting the pain and before he died, we transmuted the sorrows of our father-daughter relationship. We made a new path for our energy so that we would not have to carry that burden into another lifetime.

Now, as some of you know, the way that my Dad shows up is as a red-tailed Hawk. So! There I am, walking into the building where I will be performing, and right in front of me is a car with a metal hawk spanning the top of the license plate, with the words “The Hawk” on the plate ~ I knew my dad was there!

So I am open. Being open means listening. Not with just our ears, but with our heart. I highly recommend reaching out to Sunny for guidance in how to open yourself to the guidance that is all around you. She can give you active tools ~ Invoking The Archangels ~ and even give you messages from a loved one who is now in the spirit realm. The time is now to expand how you receive…xoK


Kristin Ace
Kristin Ace

Kristin Ace of Morristown is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit www.kristinace.com