Morristown officer’s suit claims chief worked outside jobs on town time

'NOT OFFENDED ANYMORE' : Morristown Police Chief Pete Demnitz reminds new officers of their responsibilities. Photo by Kevin Coughlin
'NOT OFFENDED ANYMORE' : Morristown Police Chief Pete Demnitz reminds new officers of their responsibilities. Photo by Kevin Coughlin

MORRISTOWN — A Morristown police officer has filed a lawsuit claiming Police Chief Peter Demnitz worked outside jobs while being paid by the town. Keith Hudson, a Morristown officer since 2005, says that after he filed a complaint in 2014 about the chief’s alleged activities, he was demoted from the detective bureau and suffered a pay…


  1. Really, well u obviously had all good encounters with the Morristown police… I have not… There was a home invasion at my elm street Apts back in 2012 the man assualted me and robbed my cell phone and purse… I saw the man walking around Morristown months later they made me come in and pick him out of mug shots where he looked completely different and I was still able to point him out they would not give me any info on his name or where he lived he had no identification on him at the time so they let him go… Lol picked up the police report to find out his identity looked him up on google and exactly a week from the robbery and assualt and he was arrested a week later on my street for robbing a young woman with a box cutter they arrested him them but refused to believe my story and or just didn’t care I called detective Bruscoe who was handling the case never returned my phone calls and refused to press charges on him and then told I could not file a citizens complaint against him…. SO SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT WITH THIS POLICE DEPT… AND “YES” THEY ARE CORRUPT AND THEY ALSO ROR’D BLACK MAN THAT VIOLATED A RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME FOR STALKING ME THAT HAS A CRIMINAL RECORD FOR THE SAME CHARGES WITH AN EX WIFE FOR THE SAME CHARGES I WAS ACCUSING OF ALL BECAUSE THE ASSAILSANT WAS BLACK AND HAPPENED TO BE A FRIEND OF A MORRISTOWN POLICE OFFICER CALLED PEE WEE!!! SO, IM GOING TO IGNORE THE IGNORANT COMMENT THAT SOMEONE WHO IS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF HOW THIS POLICE DEPT HANDLES THE SAFETY OF SOME MAYBE NOT ALL OF THEIR RESIDENTS!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Morristown Police Department is the best of the best.
    Here we go again with the race card. We now have another card being THE Corruption Card.
    Before passing judgement let it play itself out

  3. The Whole Morristown Police Dept. is completely CORRUPT!!…. The Chief is at the head of it all
    They are racist as well… If ur black u got it made in Morristown thanks to the biggest corrupt Morristown police officer called PEE WEE!!!!….

  4. @Margret..agree..there seems to be a whole lot of things missing from this story..I would also like to know how this officer found the time and the resource to check up on the Chief, and did he do it on his time; highly unlikely, or was he initiating an improper investigation on the towns time? just saying.

  5. Sometimes its hard to tell the difference between a whistle blower and a witch hunter. If the chief never appeared at any of the worksites in town, I would wonder if he was doing his job. I believe in hands on supervision, rather than simply delegating duties elsewhere and hoping for the best. How did the officer find the time to check his superior officer’s worksheets against his duty assignments or was that what he considered his duty as a detective.I plan to with hold judgement until all the facts are available. Morristown has one of the best police forces in the nation in a very busy and complex community.