‘Barking at the Moon’ with Marco Rubio, from MG cartoonist Paul Laud


Editor’s note: Last week we introduced ‘Barking at the Moon,’ hosted by Janie the Wonder-Dog, the resident wag in Paul Laud’s strip. This week, we meet Janie’s sidekick, Nell the Wonder-Cat, and their guest, Marco Rubio.

Laudable Inkworks paul laud pen

Welcome to another episode from MorristownGreen.com cartoonist Paul Laud.

This week: Climate Change

Paul Laud is the author of ‘Laughing Out Laud, Tripping Over Party Lines’! And check out our podcast with Paul.

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barking at the moon, paul laud, laudable, cartoons, may 2014, janie the wonder dog, nell the wonder cat
By Paul Laud