Podcast: ‘Good Vibrations’ gets spiritual healing with Joanie Eisinger


unnamedIt was great to have Joanie back in the studio! This go-round, we talked more about healing and took it deeper. Green Diva Meg said that she Knew, as a child,  that her body could heal itself. And then how she had to find her way back to that Knowing as an adult. We agreed that it all comes down to what we are taught.

Yes, but, I feel it is more than that. It is about what we understand and what we have forgotten. Which brings up the subject of the ascension.

Some time ago, when I was in training for the LaHo~Chi energy that I channel, I had asked my teacher, Dan Watson, (cofounder of the LaHo~Chi Institute) for his opinion on the “ascension” and the theories of the 2012 (a.k.a. the end times).

He said, “Kristin, we are always ascending. This is just a continuation of that process, as there is no true end to us therefore, there is no end to ascension.” Hmmm, that made sense to me. I feel, however, that this particular section of our ascending to a 5th dimensional state is pretty intense and the shift for humanity feels much more palpable than it was feeling to me in the beginning of my spiritual searching in my 20s.

So! back up for a minute to what we are taught. Well, we are taught what we know at this time in our human evolution. However, it is time to take that quantum leap in evolution and remembering what we forgot about being Divine Beings.

For Joanie, some of her leaping came from studying the works of Frederick Perls and his work with Gestalt Therapy.  This form of therapy moved away from talk therapy into an action that allowed the patient to be in the present instead of reliving the same old experience over and over. And that subject got us back to healing! Because I am always wanting the solution, whether it be to healing our physical selves, our emotional selves or our spiritual selves.

Remembering our Divinity is to embrace our perfection ~ which means that we have the ability to step out of the vibration of disease and lack into abundance and health.  And it is our perspective of who we are that leads to that shift. We see ourselves in our perfection of the moment ~ here and now and the shifting begins. 

Joanie called us “God Sparks” and I Love that image! That all of us are bursting forth from All That Is to Create and Be. What we are starting to awaken to is that while we experienced this being on Earth, our bodies began holding energy from events of this life and past lives. This holding pattern of karma is a great cause of our dis~ease.

I feel that this part of the ascension process is about releasing the energetic pattern around those events to reclaim our Divinity and Know our perfection, our “God Spark.” When we fully awaken, and Know that Divinity, all things associated with lack (war, poverty, abuse, victim mentality) will fade away and become unnecessary…

To find out more about Joanie Eisinger, follow the link ~www.joanieswhitelighthealing.com

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facebook kKristin Ace is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit www.kristinace.com