Kristin talks with Jane Petrov: Co-writer, actress, producer of the film short What Future


Jane Petrov and I talked at length about her 12-minute short film What FutureThere is time travel, recycling, earth consciousness and saving our future Earth! Besides hitting the film circuit in September, Jane’s desire is for the film to enter our schools’ curricula to help educate children. What Future is “The Christmas Carol of sustainability,” which means that things are bleak but, we can turn them around! Jane’s life purpose is to bring together creative talent and tell a story to create change and she does so powerfully with this film. 

Living a conscious life is my favorite topic. There are many paths to consciousness and one of them is mindful behavior toward our Earth. Recycling and composting are the easiest ways to help keep our Earth healthy. It is easy to point fingers at our past generations on what was wrong, yet to fully shift the vibration toward awareness in our environment we must instead do things in a different manner. The ways of the past no longer serve our future. The company, Seventh Generation has the  viewpoint that how we behave today will affect the next seven generations. That means that we need to be aware not only of what we put into our bodies, but of what we put into our sustenance, which is our Mother Earth.

I love that Jane and her production company, SkyTown Entertainment, want to shift the vibration of what could be a desolate hell on Earth, to an abundant healthy Earth for generations to come. So keep your eyes open, keep checking the film’s progress on the What Future Facebook page.

We talk about ~



*earth consciousness

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 Kristin Ace is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit