Morristown issues heat advisory, opens cooling center at town hall


Morristown Mayor Tim Dougherty is opening the seniors center at town hall as a cooling station for seniors and the disabled during business hours for the duration of the heat wave. The hours will be extended if necessary.

Here is the statement issued by Morristown police today, July 12:

Tuesday July 12, 2011 2:22 PM EDT

HEAT ADVISORY ISSUED: Please be advised that a cooling station has been opened at town hall 8:30-4;30pm.

Cooling Center Opens In Morristown

Mayor Timothy Dougherty announces the opening of a “Cooling Center,” targeted for elderly and handicapped residents seeking relief from the heat..

the sun
One hot star: The sun. Photo: NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory

The facility will be located in the town’s Senior Citizen Center on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Building, 200 South Street, and will operate during normal business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Service will continue until the emergency subsides. If necessary, hours will be extended. This is a joint venture between the Divisions of Health and Senior Services. Morristown residents needing assistance should call the Senior Center at 973-292-6690.

Morristown Health Officer, Darlene O’Connell offers the following tips:

DHSS and The Town of Morristown encourage Preventative Measures During Extreme Heat and Humidity

Temperatures in New Jersey are expected to hit the mid-90’s over the summer the NJ Department of Health, Morristown Division of Health and Senior Services recommend residents take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

“The best way to avoid heat stroke is to drink plenty of fluids, stay in cool places and avoid over exerting yourself,” said Health and Senior Services Commissioner Mary O’Dowd. “The Department also recommends that residents check on elderly family members and neighbors to make sure they are safe. Extreme heat and humidity can be especially dangerous to the elderly, young children and persons taking certain medications.”

To safeguard against health complications from excessive heat, it is suggested that you follow these suggestions:

• Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages.
• For those without air conditioning, spending time in air-conditioned places such as libraries, movies, malls. the Morristown Senior Center or other public buildings during the hottest hours of the day.
• Wearing sunscreen, a hat and loose and light-colored clothing when outdoors
• Avoiding outdoor activity during the hottest hours of the day and reducing physical activity or reschedule it for cooler times of the day.
• Never leaving children, a frail elderly or disabled person, or pets in an enclosed car — not even for a minute — as temperatures can quickly climb to dangerous levels.

• Extreme temperatures and humidity can also bring on heat stroke and heat exhaustion. People suffering heatstroke can go from appearing normal to extremely ill in a matter of minutes. Symptoms include having hot, dry skin, a high body temperature of 106 degrees or more, an absence of sweat, and a rapid and strong pulse. Victims may become delirious or unconscious. Persons suffering from heatstroke need immediate medical attention.

Heat exhaustion is a milder illness that may take several days of high temperatures to develop. Victims may have pale, clammy skin and sweat profusely. They may feel tired, weak or dizzy and have headaches or sometimes cramps, but their body temperature will remain close to normal.

For more information on preventing heat-related illness, please visit the DHSS web site at<

Again, the Morristown cooling center is available and located at 200 South Street in the Municipal Building. The phone number is 973 292-6690.