Morristown’s must-have fashion accessory: The Manhole Cover Hat

manhole cover hat
No Morristown resident should leave home without one of these...

Hard to believe that nearly a year after the Morristown & Township Library blew up, there still are no answers to what caused it.

Come to think of it, nobody ever got to the bottom of the library’s 1994 explosion, either.

You could get indignant.

Joey Gatto, he’s getting pro-active.

The next time this Morristown High School junior visits the library, he will be properly protected. You should be too.

manhole cover hat
No Morristown resident should leave home without one of these...


  1. My suspicion is that the manhole near the library is the portal to the animated world. We should include a version of Enchanted at the film festival that shows how princesses and princes appear from that manhole…..