Morristown: Tips for going green in the summer


Morristown is all abuzz with summer plans in these crazy and lazy months; however, the only summer plans yet to be discussed are the ones that involve going green.

You should know that, no matter what you do, there are multiple ways to help the environment while you do it.  You will actually find that most of these methods are so simple you’ve never considered them before.  Whether you are having a barbecue, going to the beach for vacation, or buying college dorm accessories, there are plenty of opportunities to have tree-hugger moments.

When planning a family or neighborhood barbecue, there are a couple of tips for you to keep in mind.   First, finalize a guest list before going grocery shopping, in order to eliminate left-overs.

Pick a convenient location, so many of your guests can walk or ride bikes.  Additionally, send your invitations out by email or phone, instead of paper.  Think about buying reusable plates, cups and napkins or disposable ones made from bamboo or other biodegradable materials.

MEAT: LESS IS MORE. Easing back on the meat conserves water and reduces atmospheric methane. Photo by Hedwig Storch.

Next, consider using less meat (not NO meat, just less).

The questions stands: why would anyone limit MEAT at a BARBECUE?  The answer is simple: it takes 1,916 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef, and cattle produce large amounts of methane, a gas 20 times as harmful as carbon dioxide.

Expand your vegetarian options for guests and for the meat you do purchase, choose organic or grass-fed selections.  When buying a grill, opt for a gas grill, as they tend to burn cleaner than coal grills.  If you are in a completely green mindset or just have a Lowe’s gift card, you can purchase an electric grill.  After the party, sort all garbage and recyclables and package left-overs in reusable containers.

If you are not throwing a barbecue this summer, you are probably on vacation at, or on day-trip to, the beach.  Even on a one-day excursion, changing a couple of your regular beach habits can have a huge impact on the environment.

First, bring any drinks in aluminum bottles and any food in reusable containers.  Purchase eco-friendly beach bags made out of recycled or organic materials.  You can even purchase towels made out of recyclable materials to throw in the bag!

For little children, bring beach toys made out of recycled plastics, as these are chemical-free and will last years longer than other cheap ones.  Bring or rent an umbrella to keep you cool, so you do not need to blast the air conditioning when you return to your car.

Use sunscreen that offers the best UVA and UVB ray protection and contains minerals instead of chemicals.  When you leave, do not forget to properly dispose of your trash and recyclables, because at some beaches, it is almost impossible just to see the sand because of all the garbage.  Don’t add to it!  Many people forget that the garbage finds its way into the ocean and harms the thousands of organisms in the water.

If you plan to stay at the beach for more than a day, pack light and look into eco-friendly hotels.  If you’re renting a car, check into renting a hybrid vehicle; otherwise, try to get around by walking.

Finally, for all the families planning on spending the summer in Best Buy and Bed Bath & Beyond buying dorm room amenities, do not forget that you and your graduate have some environmental options.

Use power strips for all your electronics to allow for easy “unplugging” at night and to limit excess power used in “stand-by” mode.  If you plan on making any of your own food, purchase a microwave or crock-pot because they thoroughly cook your food without emitting extra energy.

Try to share a refrigerator with a couple of friends, because refrigerators are huge energy-crunchers.  Pick lamps compatible with compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs, and use natural air fresheners or plants instead of plug-ins.

Purchase a small table-top water filter to refill an aluminum water bottle, so you do not use and get rid of hundreds of plastic ones. Look for green laundry detergents and cleaners without so many toxic chemicals, and purchase organic cotton or natural fiber bed sheets and pillow covers.   Lastly, try to look for energy efficient printers and computers in order to save electricity and money.

When it comes to saving the planet, the grass is green on all sides; you just have to be able to see it.  Often the greenest decisions are the easiest to make, and while you are along on your tree-hugger duties, remember that a little goes a long way.

Simply changing your grill or purchasing organic cotton sheets can make all the difference to the planet.  Hopefully, you will take some of these eco-friendly tips in the coming months and start thinking and acting green.

Nayna Shah will be a sophomore at Morristown High School this fall. She recently wrote about her musical trip to the United Kingdom.