Morris freeholders take their show on the road… sort of, to Morristown, May 27

morristown town hall file photo
Morristown town hall. Photo by Dan Beards

It’s more like a “sidewalk sojourn” than a road show.

morristown town hall file photo
The Morris freeholders are coming Morristown town hall. Photo by Dan Beards

Whatever the label, the Morris County Freeholders are meeting in Morristown town hall today, May 27, 2015, a few blocks from their usual venue at the county administration building.

The work session starts at 5:30 pm, and the regular meeting, which allows public comments, begins at 7:30. Here is the agenda.

Since 2007, the freeholders have held meetings in all 39 Morris County municipalities.

“These meetings give us an opportunity to meet people and officials from throughout the county on their own turf, to hear their local and regional concerns, and get a better understanding of what is important to their towns and communities,’’ Freeholder Director Kathy DeFillippo said in a statement.

The freeholders met last month in Harding; on June 24 they venture to Chatham Township.