Morristown Green reader is ‘Even Grateful for the Black Snow’

'PARKING: AUTHORIZED VEHICLES ONLY.' March 5, 2014, Morristown. Photo by Kevin Coughlin
'PARKING: AUTHORIZED VEHICLES ONLY.' March 5, 2014, Morristown. Photo by Kevin Coughlin

Editor’s note: On this first really nice spring day, it seems fitting to pause and reflect on our long collective winter. MG contributor Geri Silk shares her thoughts in verse:


I am even grateful for the black snow

By Geraldine Silk

The winter of 2014, the great white snow united us

South Street, late winter 2014. Photo by Kevin Coughlin
South Street, late winter 2014. Photo by Kevin Coughlin

Many days inside looking out

Like so many neighbors

Seeing big fat fluffy flakes drift by our window sills

In-home prisoners of Mother Nature’s rapturous folly

First, the grace of the glistening downy feathers pile up and up and up

Making walking, driving, seeing impossible

Then, as neighbors creep out to gather supplies—milk, eggs, butter, videos, we meet in supermarket aisles to compare notes—

How high, how wide, how dangerous, how curious

Long hazardous icicles hang over our heads like Damocles sword poised for danger

But at night, asleep in our beds, cozy under a snow while blanket of repose, we dream of sleigh rides;

the charming miniaturization of a snow globe, white clouds of freedom and world peace.

We are grateful for the delicate snowflakes dancing and swirling in the enchanted universe

Now, all that remains are small choppy islands of unmeltable ice in the most inconvenient places

The black snow remains the prisoner of memory, held together by invisible subatomic particles of ice

Oh, I am grateful for the snow that united us all under the cozy feathery down comforter

I am grateful we had this time together to be apart from our everyday race

When I think of that common bond, I am even grateful for the black snow


Geri Silk is a Dance Movement Therapist, poet, and amateur flute player in the Morristown area.

    Morristown, March 5, 2014. Photo by Kevin Coughlin
‘PARKING: AUTHORIZED VEHICLES ONLY’ : Morristown, March 5, 2014. Photo by Kevin Coughlin